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S01E13 7


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

No, thank you.
[# Kansas: Dust In The Wind]


Did you notice
they're playing a classic?


Care to dance?

I'd love to.

- I have a little confession to make.
- Oh?

I've been so concerned
about Julie,

that I sort of eavesdropped on her
the other day,

while she was having
a phone conversation with Zach.


They were having
an interesting conversation.


Zach was telling Julie
about what happened to Dana.

- Was he now?
- Yes.

- How much did you hear?
- Everything.

You realize it was an accident.

Oh, of course. I assumed as much.

He didn't mean to kill Dana.

He was practically a baby himself.
He didn't understand what he was doing.

No, of course he didn't.
So... what happened exactly?

Mary Alice and I never really knew.

We heard the baby screaming.

When we got up to the crib,
it was too late.

Paul, I am so sorry.

Thank you.

So you and Mary Alice just kept this
to yourselves all these years?

It was a very dark chapter in our lives.
We preferred not to relive it.

It was also a private family matter.
I'd appreciate your discretion.


- Did you have a good time?
- Yeah, I did.

It was great.

Look, I want you to know that
I'm really sorry I talked to Julie.

But she promised
not to say anything to her Mom.

It's OK. I handled Susan.


But we need to talk about these things
that you think you remember.

They're not true.

How can they not be true?

Memories lie, Zach.

You didn't kill anyone.

Dana is very much alive.

- Hi. What are you doing here?
- Where is it?

- What?
- The ring. My grandmother's ring.

John caught me off guard.
I'm going to give back the ring.

Well, you'd better.
Because make no mistake,

if you try to ruin my son's life,
I will ruin yours.

Helen! OK, go to the car.
Come on, please. Just... please.

Obviously, I'm not leaving my husband
and marrying John.

I think that's wise.

I'll talk to John tomorrow
and give back the ring.

Good, good. Um...
we appreciate everything you've done.

Hey, Bob,
I get why she's so angry with me.

But what I don't
get is why you're so nice.

Well, John's a big boy. Whatever
happened between the two of you

was his mistake as much as yours.

I guess. I understand if, uh,
if you hate me just a little.


ruin [ˈru:ɪn] n. 废墟;毁坏;灭亡 vt. 毁灭;使破产 vi. 破产;堕落;被毁灭 n. (Ruin)人名;(德、意、芬)鲁因;(法)吕安 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4197}

uh [ʌh,ʌ] int. 嗯啊 abbr. 上半部分(upper half) n. (Uh)人名;(挪)乌赫 { :4478}

confession [kənˈfeʃn] n. 忏悔,告解;供认;表白 {toefl :4818}

um [ʌm, əm] n. (Um)人名;(柬)温;(阿拉伯)乌姆 int. 嗯(表示迟疑) { :7325}

dana ['deinə] n. 美国德纳(美国汽车公司) { :7508}

crib [krɪb] n. 婴儿床;栅栏;食槽 vi. 剽窃 vt. 拘禁,关入栅栏;抄袭 { :9179}

relive [ˌri:ˈlɪv] vt. 再体验 vi. 复活;再生 { :10823}

eavesdropped [ˈi:vzˌdrɔpt] v. 偷听(别人的谈话)( eavesdrop的过去式和过去分词 ) { :14900}

Kansas ['kænzәs] n. 堪萨斯州(美国州名) { :15851}

ring [rɪŋ] n. 戒指;铃声,钟声;拳击场;环形物 vi. 按铃;敲钟;回响;成环形 vt. 按铃;包围;敲钟;套住 n. (Ring)人名;(英、西、德、匈、瑞典、芬)林 {zk gk toefl :1305}

an accident [ ] [网络] 意外;一场事故;车祸

angry with [ ] [网络] 生气;与生气;生气的

eavesdrop on [ ] [网络] 窃听;偷听

make no mistake [meik nəu misˈteik] [网络] 别搞错;毫无疑问;别弄错

no mistake [ ] [网络] 一劳永逸;不会有错

off guard [ ] [网络] 不警惕;不备;没有防备的

the ring [ ] [网络] 午夜凶铃;戒指;七夜怪谈西洋篇

to dance [ ] [网络] 跳舞;跳舞吧;致跳舞

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用